Our world is beginning to reshape itself. There is a technical term for the feeling of powerlessness in the face of burning forests, landslides or floods: "ecological grief".
The defining image of ecological grief is that it mainly affects children and young people - in Germany, two thirds of 14 to 24-year-olds* are affected. The symptoms include anxiety disorders, loneliness, depression and panic attacks.
However, researchers call out in the otherwise rather dark IPCC* report: "While many climate changes are now unavoidable, humanity still has the opportunity to act".
From a psychological point of view, hope does not unfold in the certainty of a good end, but when we still have influence over our own actions.
The installation was created as a lighthouse. An attempt to penetrate the armor of "ecological grief" when conventional means of communication no longer seem to help.

Artwork at The Dark Rooms Vertical
Sven Sauer
Music by:
Ardie Son
Fabrizio Ollargiu & Corey Donohu
Ringlight Production design:
Natalie Heckl & Jakob Niemetz
Film by:
Frank Sauer
Photos by:
Frank Sauer & Carsten Beier