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How to live in the age of disinformation. Unsubstantiated news spreads 6X faster than substantiated news (media study commissioned by Twitter).
Neutral and balanced reporting, as one of the cornerstones of democracy,
have been put to the test for some years now:
Whereas professional journalism used to be the gatekeeper, critically checking information in advance, for many people it is now being replaced by other sources of information. The deregulation of the truth market is leading to pronounced side effects such as the massive rise in conspiracy theories.
It has become more difficult to recognize whether a source of information is trustworthy.
The nature of such an information bubble is that it is subjectively very difficult to unmask. Like demons, these filter bubbles accompany us every day without us being able to notice or recognize them.
In the installation ISOLATION, these filter bubbles materialize in a closed room. What remains is a physical perception of what otherwise remains bent.
Installation: ISOLATION

Artists :
Clara Sauer & Sven Sauer & Tadao Cern

Redshift by Michael Vignola

Sculptural realization:

Isabelle Tellie

Dan Vogel-Essex

Lighting designer:

Natalie Heckl

Technical consultant: Felipe Sanchez Luna
Frank Sauer